Wednesday, April 1, 2009

10 secret t0 success...

1. Y0u sh0uld n0t fear with the c0nsequences (Remember, whatever the future h0lds it will pr0bably hurt 0r please y0u less than y0u imagine.)

2. Y0u have g0 with y0ur gut (S0metimes the m0re inf0rmati0n y0u have, the better 0ff y0u may be g0ing with y0ur instincts.)

3. Y0u als0 sh0uld c0nsider y0ur em0ti0ns (Whenever y0u make up y0ur mind, y0ur limbic system – the brain’s em0ti0nal centre – is active. Making ch0ices under the influence 0f an em0ti0n can seri0usly affect the 0utc0me. Anger can make us impetu0us, selfish and risk-pr0ne.)

4. Y0u have played the devil’s adv0cate (Y0u need t0 d0 m0re than latch 0n t0 facts and figures that y0u like best.)

5. Keep y0ur eye 0n the ball.

6. Beware 0f s0cial pressure (Beware situati0ns in which y0u have little individual resp0nsibility – that is when y0u are m0st likely t0 make irresp0nsible ch0ices.)

7. Y0u need t0 l0ok at it an0ther way (L0ok at y0ur 0pti0ns fr0m m0re than 0ne angle.)

8. D0n’t cry 0ver spilt milk (Always remind y0urself that the past is the past.)

9. Y0u must limit y0ur 0pti0ns (The idea that while we think m0re ch0ice is best,
0ften less is m0re.)

10. Y0u sh0uld have s0me0ne else ch0ose (Try letting s0me0ne f0r the else ch0ose the 0pti0n f0r the decisi0n.)

taken fr0m,
-Reader’s Digest, December 2007, page 90-96

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