Thursday, September 25, 2008

h0w t0 make a kite

t0day, i want t0 teach y0u h0w t0 make a kite.
What Y0u'll Need:

* One 12-inch w0od d0wel with 1/8-inch diameter
* One 24-inch 0d0wel with 1/8-inch ­diameter
* Str0ng string 0r c0rd
* Ruler
* Blunt sciss0rs
* Wrapping paper
* Craft glue
* C0l0ured tissue paper

Step 1. Make a cr0ss with the w0od d0wels. The l0nger d0wel sh0uld be p0siti0ned vertically. Use a piece 0f str0ng string 0r c0rd t0 tightly tie the tw0 d0wels t0gether at the cr0ss secti0n. Cut a piece 0f wrapping paper in a 16 × 28-inch diam0nd shape. Cut 0ff the c0rners t0 make the tabs as sh0wn. Place the cr0ssed d0wels in the center 0f the paper diam0nd.
Step 2. Put a d0t 0f glue at the end 0f each d0wel. Run a l0ng piece 0f string ar0und the d0wel frame thr0ugh the glue. Add an0ther d0t 0f glue t0 each end t0 c0ver the string. Let the glue set. F0ld the wrapping paper tabs 0ver the string and glue each tab in place. Let the glue set.
Step 3. T0 make the flight c0rd, cut a piece 0f string and tie each end t0 the h0riz0ntal d0wel. T0 make the kite string, cut a l0ng piece 0f string and tie it t0 the center 0f the flight c0rd. Tie a piece 0f string t0 the b0tt0m 0f the vertical d0wel f0r the kite tail. Make tissue paper b0ws t0 f0ld 0ver the string and glue in place. Let the glue dry, then fly your kite!

s0urce fr0m,

the blind girl

2 minutes ag0, i had read this st0ry in the internet. i f0und it very t0uching. s0, i want t0 share this st0ry with y0u all. enj0y it!

There was a blind girl wh0 hated herself just because she was blind. She hated every0ne, except her l0ving b0yfriend. He was always there f0r her. She said that if she c0uld 0nly see the w0rld, she w0uld marry her b0yfriend.

One day, s0meone d0nated a pair 0f eyes t0 her and then she c0uld see everything, including her b0yfriend.
Her b0yfriend asked her, "n0w that y0u can see the w0rld, will y0u marry me?" The girl was sh0cked when she saw that her b0yfriend was blind t0o, and refused t0 marry him.

Her b0yfriend walked away in tears, and later wr0te a letter t0 her saying..... "Just take care 0f my eyes dear." i'll always l0ve y0u f0rever..

taken fr0m,

my ph0ne, my music

every0ne in this w0rld have handph0ne. my handph0ne is n0kia 5300. i b0ught it last year. The ph0ne has a slider design and features a 240×320 pixels (QVGA) TFT display and a 1.3 megapixel camera which can be used in landscape. It has dedicated music butt0ns which makes it easy t0 access music. It als0 features a rem0vable micr0-SD card with a maximum capacity 0f 2GB and is p0wered by an ARM 9 CPU running at 237 MHz. The N0kia 5300 c0mes in 3 different c0l0urs: lilac, red, and black. The side 0f the ph0ne has three different c0ntr0ls. The first is a back butt0n which is used t0 g0 t0 the last s0ng played 0n the music list. The sec0nd butt0n is a st0p and play butt0n. The third is used t0 g0 t0 the next given s0ng. There are als0 vari0us d0wnl0adable themes. It als0 c0mes equipped with N0kia headph0nes, a charger, a pass t0 get free music f0r a m0nth fr0m Yah0o JukeB0x.

taken fr0m,