Wednesday, April 1, 2009

when kid talk ab0ut l0ve...

A six-year-0ld b0y t0ld his father he wanted t0 marry the little girl acr0ss
the street. The father, being m0dern and well-sch0oled in handling children,
hid his smile behind his hand.
"That's a seri0us step," he said. "Have y0u th0ught it 0ut c0mpletely?"
"Yes," his young s0n answered. "We can spend 0ne week in my r0om and the next
in hers. It's right acr0ss the street, s0 I can run h0me if I get
scared 0f the dark."
"H0w ab0ut transp0rtati0n?" the father asked.
"I have my wag0n, and we b0th have 0ur tricycles," the little b0y answered.
The b0y had an answer t0 every questi0n the father raised.
Finally, in exasperati0n, his dad asked, "What ab0ut babies? When y0u're
married, y0u're liable t0 have babies, y0u kn0w."
"We've th0ught ab0ut that, t0o," the little b0y replied. "We're n0t g0ing t0
have babies. Every time she lays an egg, I'm g0ing to step 0n it!"

taken fr0m,

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