Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I l0ve u...

N0w days, many pe0ple use this p0werful phrase l0osely, there are times when y0u want t0 say "I l0ve y0u" in a meaningful way. C0me 0ne, let's i sh0w y0u tips about h0w t0 say i l0ve u with a right way.

Firstly, make eye c0ntact. If y0u l0ve this pers0n, h0pefully y0u feel c0mf0rtable en0ugh t0 gaze int0 their eyes when y0u express y0ur feelings. Making eye c0ntact sh0ws sincerity and c0mmunicates trust.

Sec0ndly, smile. It can be nerve-wracking t0 tell s0me0ne that y0u l0ve him 0r her, 0nly t0 wait anxi0usly f0r their resp0nse--especially if it's the first time either 0f y0u have verbally expressed l0ve. The best way t0 0verc0me this fear is t0 n0t expect the phrase in return. Y0ur intenti0n can be t0 tell the pers0n h0w y0u feel, with the h0pe 0f making them happy and sh0wing them that they are valued. Remember that unc0nditional l0ve means n0t demanding anything in return. S0 smile, and perhaps give y0ur l0ved 0ne a hug. If they l0ve y0u, t0o, they'll say it in their 0wn way and in their 0wn time.

Thirdly, be creative. Say it in different languages. Write int0 a p0em 0r even a haiku. If y0u want t0 be romantic, spell it 0ut with r0se petals 0n his 0r her bedr0om fl0or. Write it in c0de, like 1437 0r using a Vigènere cipher. Say it in little ways, like p0st-it n0tes in unexpected places, and express it in every way y0u can.

Lastly, D0n't just say it, d0 it. L0ve is n0t just a feeling; it's an acti0n. Saying it with0ut sh0wing it is, in a way, a lie. Express y0ur l0ve in acti0n as well as in w0rds. Children can sh0w l0ve f0r their parents by cleaning up their r0om with0ut being asked. A pers0n can send fl0wers t0 their partner in the middle 0f the week fo\0r n0 particular reas0n 0ther than t0 sh0w l0ve. Acts 0f kindness f0r the 0ne y0u l0ve, with0ut being asked, speak l0uder than w0rds. D0 things f0r y0ur l0ved 0nes that they are n0t willing, likely 0r able t0 d0 f0r themselves.

taken fr0m,

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