Monday, October 20, 2008

h0w to st0p sm0king....

sm0king is n0t a g0od habit. every pe0ple kn0ws the bad effect 0f sm0king, but f0r th0se wh0 are sm0king, they may be ign0ring the side effect because 0f they are craving f0r cigarettes every day. in 0ther w0rds, sm0king has been their lifestyle that c0uld n0t be separated fr0m their life. here, i want t0 share s0me tips 0n h0w t0 quit sm0king. firstly, drink m0re water as water eliminates t0xins fr0m 0ur b0dy. sec0ndly, quit with buddies wh0 are ready t0 help y0u and st0p sm0king with y0u. next, enlist supp0rt and make a plan in 0rder t0 achieve y0ur g0als. Have a healthy lifestyle, think p0sitive and be patient always. in my experience, th0se wh0 are sm0king has a sh0rt age if we c0mpare t0 a n0rmal pers0n. besides, they are wasting their m0ney as they are burning the m0ney v0luntarily . as a human we sh0uld use 0ur mind t0 differentiate between p0sitive and negative f0r 0ur 0wn safety. say n0 t0 sm0king, if y0u are sm0kers, y0u als0 endangering y0ur family, s0 st0p sm0king fr0m t0day. last m0nth, i and my classmate had 0rganised a campaign h0w t0 st0p sm0king. the campaign was held at university malaysia pahang.

taken fr0m,

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