The Persian Gulf, in the s0uthwest asian regi0n, is an extensi0n 0f the indian 0cean l0cated between iran and arabic peninsula. Hist0rically and c0mm0nly kn0wn as the Persian Gulf, this b0dy 0f water is s0metimes c0ntr0versially referred t0 as the Arabian Gulf by certain arab c0untries 0r simply The Gulf, alth0ugh neither 0f the latter tw0 terms are rec0gnized internati0nally.
The Persian Gulf was a f0cus 0f the 1980-88 iraq-iran war, in which each side attacked the 0ther's 0il tanker. In 1991, the Persian Gulf again was the backgr0und f0r what was called the Persian Gulf War 0r the "gulf" when iraq invaded Kuwait and was subsequently pushed back, despite the fact that this c0nflict was primarily a land c0nflict.
The Persian Gulf is rich with g0od fishing gr0unds, extensive c0ral reefs and abundant pearl 0yster, but its ec0l0gy has c0me under pressure fr0m industrialisati0n, and in particular, repeated petr0leum spillages during recent wars.
taken fr0m,
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