Saturday, August 2, 2008

physic 0r bi0logy?

this is a st0ry ab0ut why we must learn physic. A c0llege physics pr0fess0r was explaining a particularly c0mplicated c0ncept t0 his class when a pre-med student interrupted him.
"Why d0 we have t0 learn this stuff?" 0ne young man blurted 0ut.
"T0 save lives," the pr0fess0r resp0nded bef0re c0ntinuing the lecture.
A few minutes later the student sp0ke up again. "S0 h0w d0es physics save lives?"
The pr0fess0r stared at the student f0r a l0ng time with0ut saying a w0rd. Finally the pr0fess0r c0ntinued. "Physics saves lives," he said, "because it keeps the idi0ts 0ut of medical sch0ol." hehe..

taken fr0m,

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