Sunday, August 3, 2008


lil0, eidham, syaikh,abu hassan and adn0r alhilmi had created 0ne unofficial team and we named it, G.A TEAM.. any0ne interest t0 j0in 0ur gr0up just c0mment this article 0r sent message t0 my friendster, katak_hijaumuda@yah0o.c0m.. n0 need t0 bring y0ur surat tawaran ump and setem hasil.. just bring ph0t0state ic with Ketua Kampung's c0p 0n it.. the new crew will had t0 attend the fitness test and s0me skill test..

0rganisati0n chart 0f G.A TEAM:

f0under : lil0
treasure : eidham
ajk keceriaan : shaikh
ajk makanan : adn0r alhilmi
ajk inf0rmasi : abu hassan

c0me 0n and j0in us.. free 0f charge.. G.A TEAM r0ck!!


shaikh said...

idopp GA TEAM..!!!

97 said...


idop GA team!!!

sebarang masalah berkaitn makanan bolehla rujuk kpd ajk makanan GA Team.sebarang cdgn menu utk annual diner GA Team boleh le disalurkan melalui emel/frenster atau komen aja dong di!

MAK said...

HIDUP G.A.Team!!!!!!

SApe2 Berminat ble join our team everyday,every week and forever!!!
For more information contact Abu Hassan

haziatun fazi said...

ade org tnye, kalo ladies nak join leh x?? hehe

haziatun fazi said...

btobatla lilo!!!!! haha...
hdup g.a team!!!
hdup lilo!!
acan pun kne idup gak..haha

abu hassan said...

any problem about G.A Team?..please come and see want it?come and get it..just take it or leave it..idup G.A Team

steaphnie said...

can i join this club?