Friday, July 25, 2008

malaysia b0leh!

The Kuala Lumpur T0wer is a tall t0wer l0cated in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The t0wer was built in 1995. It is used for communication purposes and features an antenna that reached 421 m and make this t0wer bec0me the 5th taller t0wer in the w0rld. The t0wer als0 c0ntains a rev0lving restaurant that it will r0tating 360 degree. The t0wer als0 0rganised yearly where participants race up the stairs t0 the t0p. fuh! Very tired maa. The t0wer als0 use t0 l0ok f0r the crescent m0on t0 mark the beginning 0f Muslim m0nth, t0 celebrate fasting m0nth and hari raya. I can see this t0wer fr0m my h0use. I’m pr0ud t0 be Malaysian. Malaysia b0leh!

S0urce fr0m

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