Saturday, July 26, 2008

ajin0mot0, kawasaki, n0bita, sliper jepun...

2 minutes ag0 I had read a article ab0ut Yakuza. Yakuza is the name 0f a gr0up 0f gangster in Japan. Yakuza was 0rganised t0 pr0tectad the pe0ple fr0m attack by wandering bands 0f fierce samurai warri0rs. Inevitably, the yakuza began t0 expl0it the p0pulati0n. t0day. They are active in all pr0fitable areas 0f crime, but these tatt0oed gangsters are als0 branching 0ut int0 many legitimate sect0r 0f the ec0n0my. 0fficials estimate that there are r0ughly 900000 Yakuza in Japan t0day. The title 0f this p0st is n0nsence t0 this p0st. I n0t really kn0w Japanese w0rds but I sure that I kn0w s0me name 0f the Japanese pr0duct. U think f0r y0urself. Assalamualaik0m!

s0urce fr0m

1 comment:

dr ewan said...

Yet I have dreamt I want to go to Japan. But I afraid if that fellars will do something not nice to me.