sm0king is n0t a g0od habit. every pe0ple kn0ws the bad effect 0f sm0king, but f0r th0se wh0 are sm0king, they may be ign0ring the side effect because 0f they are craving f0r cigarettes every day. in 0ther w0rds, sm0king has been their lifestyle that c0uld n0t be separated fr0m their life. here, i want t0 share s0me tips 0n h0w t0 quit sm0king. firstly, drink m0re water as water eliminates t0xins fr0m 0ur b0dy. sec0ndly, quit with buddies wh0 are ready t0 help y0u and st0p sm0king with y0u. next, enlist supp0rt and make a plan in 0rder t0 achieve y0ur g0als. Have a healthy lifestyle, think p0sitive and be patient always. in my experience, th0se wh0 are sm0king has a sh0rt age if we c0mpare t0 a n0rmal pers0n. besides, they are wasting their m0ney as they are burning the m0ney v0luntarily . as a human we sh0uld use 0ur mind t0 differentiate between p0sitive and negative f0r 0ur 0wn safety. say n0 t0 sm0king, if y0u are sm0kers, y0u als0 endangering y0ur family, s0 st0p sm0king fr0m t0day. last m0nth, i and my classmate had 0rganised a campaign h0w t0 st0p sm0king. the campaign was held at university malaysia pahang.
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Monday, October 20, 2008
r0naldinh0 and his statue....
I read an article ab0ut r0naldinh0. N0wadays every0ne will kn0w wh0 is R0naldinh0. A f0otball superstar. Here I d0nt want t0 tell y0u all ab0ut when he begins his career 0r what makes him been a fantastic player 0r s0mething that is already stated in y0ur mind ab0ut this man.
N0w i wanted t0 tell y0u all ab0ut a tragedy that 0ccur 0n R0naldinh0 himself 0n 2 years ag0. It happened when the f0otball w0rldcup ended and Brazil l0st t0 France 0-1 in the semifinal match.
F0r y0ur inf0rmati0n, all the brazillian is fanatic t0 R0naldinh0. their 0bsessity was t0o high-up untill they make a s0lid-g0ld statue 0f R0naldinh0. The statue c0st the brazillian up t0 USD$ 52.5 milli0ns. It was as an apprecitati0n for R0naldinh0 f0r his c0ntributi0n t0 brazil in f0otball.
But what is sadist f0r me, when brazil l0st t0 france in the w0rld cup last 2 years, the valueble statue was dem0lished by his 0wn fanatic supp0rters.
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N0w i wanted t0 tell y0u all ab0ut a tragedy that 0ccur 0n R0naldinh0 himself 0n 2 years ag0. It happened when the f0otball w0rldcup ended and Brazil l0st t0 France 0-1 in the semifinal match.
F0r y0ur inf0rmati0n, all the brazillian is fanatic t0 R0naldinh0. their 0bsessity was t0o high-up untill they make a s0lid-g0ld statue 0f R0naldinh0. The statue c0st the brazillian up t0 USD$ 52.5 milli0ns. It was as an apprecitati0n for R0naldinh0 f0r his c0ntributi0n t0 brazil in f0otball.
But what is sadist f0r me, when brazil l0st t0 france in the w0rld cup last 2 years, the valueble statue was dem0lished by his 0wn fanatic supp0rters.
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Wednesday, October 8, 2008
when lil0 talk ab0ut l0ve 2..
37 sec0nd ag0, i had read this sweet l0ve st0ry fr0m the internet. s0 i want t0 shar this st0ry with y0u all. this st0ry is ab0ut a b0y want t0 express his feeling t0 a girl. enj0y reading!
B0y: I need s0me0ne t0 talk t0.
Girl: I'm always here f0r y0u.
B0y: I kn0w.
Girl: What's wr0ng?
B0y: I like her s0 much.
Girl: Talk t0 her.
B0y: I d0n't kn0w. She w0n't ever like me.
Girl: D0n't say that...y0u're amazing.
B0y: I just want her t0 kn0w h0w I feel.
Girl: Then tell her.
B0y: She w0n't like me.
Girl: H0w d0 y0u kn0w that?
B0y: I can just tell her...
Girl: Well just tell her.
B0y: What sh0uld I say?
Girl: Tell her h0w much y0u like her.
B0y: I tell her daily.
Girl: What d0 y0u mean?
B0y: I'm always with her...I l0ve her.
Girl: I kn0w h0w y0u feel. I have the same pr0blem...but he'll never like me.
B0y: Wait. Wh0 d0 y0u like?
Girl: Oh, s0me b0y.
B0y: Oh, she w0n't like me either.
Girl: She d0es.
B0y: H0w d0 y0u kn0w?
Girl: Because wh0 w0uldn't like y0u?
B0y: Y0u.
Girl: Y0u're wr0ng. I l0ve y0u.
B0y: I l0ve y0u t0o.
Girl: S0 are y0u g0ing t0 talk t0 her?
B0y: I just did.
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B0y: I need s0me0ne t0 talk t0.
Girl: I'm always here f0r y0u.
B0y: I kn0w.
Girl: What's wr0ng?
B0y: I like her s0 much.
Girl: Talk t0 her.
B0y: I d0n't kn0w. She w0n't ever like me.
Girl: D0n't say that...y0u're amazing.
B0y: I just want her t0 kn0w h0w I feel.
Girl: Then tell her.
B0y: She w0n't like me.
Girl: H0w d0 y0u kn0w that?
B0y: I can just tell her...
Girl: Well just tell her.
B0y: What sh0uld I say?
Girl: Tell her h0w much y0u like her.
B0y: I tell her daily.
Girl: What d0 y0u mean?
B0y: I'm always with her...I l0ve her.
Girl: I kn0w h0w y0u feel. I have the same pr0blem...but he'll never like me.
B0y: Wait. Wh0 d0 y0u like?
Girl: Oh, s0me b0y.
B0y: Oh, she w0n't like me either.
Girl: She d0es.
B0y: H0w d0 y0u kn0w?
Girl: Because wh0 w0uldn't like y0u?
B0y: Y0u.
Girl: Y0u're wr0ng. I l0ve y0u.
B0y: I l0ve y0u t0o.
Girl: S0 are y0u g0ing t0 talk t0 her?
B0y: I just did.
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h0w's 7 - eleven g0t its name...
The c0mpany has its 0rigins in 1927 in dallas, texas, usa when an empl0yee 0f S0uthland Ice C0mpany, J0e C. Th0mps0n started selling milk, eggs and bread fr0m an ice d0ck. The 0riginal l0cati0n was an impr0vised st0refr0nt at S0uthland Ice C0mpany, an ice-manufacturing plant 0wned by J0hn Jeffers0n Green. Alth0ugh small gr0cery st0res and general merchandisers were present in the immediate area, the manager 0f the ice plant, J0e C. Th0mps0n disc0vered that selling "c0nvenience items" such as bread and milk was p0pular due t0 the ice's natural ability t0 preserve the items. This significantly cut back 0n pe0ple's need t0 travel l0ng distances t0 the gr0cery st0res f0r basic items. J0e C. Th0mps0n eventually b0ught the S0uthland Ice C0mpany and turned it int0 the S0uthland C0rp0rati0n which 0versaw several l0cati0ns which 0pened up in the Dallas area. Initially, these st0res were 0pen fr0m 7 a.m. t0 11 p.m., h0urs unprecedented in their length, hence the name. The c0mpany began t0 use the 7-Eleven name in 1946. By 1952, 7-Eleven 0pened its 100th st0re. It was inc0rp0rated as the s0uthland c0rp0rati0n in 1961. In 1962, 7-Eleven first experimented with a 24-h0ur schedule in austin, texas. In 1963, 24-h0ur st0res were established in las legas, f0rt w0rth and dallas.
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katak hijau???
The Green Fr0g or Br0nze Fr0g is a species 0f fr0g native t0 the eastern half 0f the united states and canada. Adult green fr0gs range fr0m 2-4 inches (5-10 cm) in b0dy length (sn0ut t0 vent). Males have a tympanum twice the diameter 0f the eye and a bright yell0w thr0at. Female tympanum diameter is ab0ut the same as that 0f the eye. D0rs0lateral ridges, pr0minent, seam-like skin f0lds that run d0wn the sides of the back, distinguish the green fr0g fr0m the bullfr0g, which entirely lacks them. Green fr0gs live wherever there is shall0w fresh water - p0nds, r0ad-side ditches, lakes, swamps, streams and br0oks. M0st 0ften seen resting al0ng the sh0re, they leap int0 the water when appr0ached. By inhabiting an ec0t0ne, in this case the terrestrial and aquatic habitat b0undary, green fr0gs (and 0ther aquatic ranid fr0gs), by empl0ying a simple leap, leave behind their many and faster terrestrial enemies that cann0t similarly cr0ss that b0undary. Green fr0gs will attempt t0 eat any m0uth-sized animal they can capture, including insects, spiders, fish, crayfish, shrimp, fr0gs, tadp0les, small snakes, birds, snails. Tadp0les graze 0n algae and water plants.
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the persian gulf (teluk parsi)
The Persian Gulf, in the s0uthwest asian regi0n, is an extensi0n 0f the indian 0cean l0cated between iran and arabic peninsula. Hist0rically and c0mm0nly kn0wn as the Persian Gulf, this b0dy 0f water is s0metimes c0ntr0versially referred t0 as the Arabian Gulf by certain arab c0untries 0r simply The Gulf, alth0ugh neither 0f the latter tw0 terms are rec0gnized internati0nally.
The Persian Gulf was a f0cus 0f the 1980-88 iraq-iran war, in which each side attacked the 0ther's 0il tanker. In 1991, the Persian Gulf again was the backgr0und f0r what was called the Persian Gulf War 0r the "gulf" when iraq invaded Kuwait and was subsequently pushed back, despite the fact that this c0nflict was primarily a land c0nflict.
The Persian Gulf is rich with g0od fishing gr0unds, extensive c0ral reefs and abundant pearl 0yster, but its ec0l0gy has c0me under pressure fr0m industrialisati0n, and in particular, repeated petr0leum spillages during recent wars.
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The Persian Gulf was a f0cus 0f the 1980-88 iraq-iran war, in which each side attacked the 0ther's 0il tanker. In 1991, the Persian Gulf again was the backgr0und f0r what was called the Persian Gulf War 0r the "gulf" when iraq invaded Kuwait and was subsequently pushed back, despite the fact that this c0nflict was primarily a land c0nflict.
The Persian Gulf is rich with g0od fishing gr0unds, extensive c0ral reefs and abundant pearl 0yster, but its ec0l0gy has c0me under pressure fr0m industrialisati0n, and in particular, repeated petr0leum spillages during recent wars.
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